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Artila enewsletter Issue 04, March, 2015
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Artila Releases RIO-2017 New Web enabled Remote I/O Module

RIO-2017RIO-2017 is powered by ARM Cortex M3 and FreeRTOS operating system and features one 10/100Mbps Ethernet port, eight channels of 16-bit isolated analog input and one form A or form B relay.

Web application is becoming popular due to the ubiquity of the web browser, and human machine interface (HMI) is no longer limited to use computers. Therefore, RIO-2017 plays the role of interfacing sensor and instrument data to human with a Web based connectivity. RIO-2017’s web server supports AJAX which allows users and designers to access its analog input channels and relay using a Web script language like JavaScript and JSON. The Web application can be placed in cloud, internal web server or even in the RIO-2017 with 384KB space.

In addition to the Web interface, RIO-2017 also supports Modbus TCP industrial protocol which makes it easily to integrate RIO-2017 into your automation project. For those people who want to develop their application software using RIO-2017, a friendly Linux API library, AIOLib, is available to make programming easy.

For more product information, please visit RIO-2017's web page, or email to sales@artila.com.

In This Issue
Artila Releases RIO-2010PG New FreeRTOS Programmable Remote I/O Module

RIO-2010PGRIO-2010PG is powered by a 32-bit NXP LPC1768 100MHz ARM Cortex M3 processor which is equipped with 64KB SRAM 512KB Flash and FreeRTOS operating system. The industrial I/O of RIO-2010PG features one 10/100 MHz Ethernet port, one full modem RS-232, one isolated RS-485, eight channels of relay, 16 photo-isolated digital inputs and one 1-wire interface for temperature or humidity sensors.

RIO-2010PG is shipped with a FreeRTOS+lwIP board support package (BSP), device manager utility and example programs. Users can choose the ToolChain either from Mentor’s Sourcery CodeBench Lite ARM EABI Release or Keil by ARM. A tiny web server is available in RIO-2010PG and it is ready for customer’s web-based application. Example programs which demonstrate serial and Ethernet data communication, Web configuration and EEPROM read and write are available in the RIO-2010PG application development kit. The device manager utility features device discovery, network configuration, user web page and firmware upload is also included.

Low power consumption of ARM cortex M3 plus high efficiency of FreeRTOS make RIO-2010PG an ideal light weight computing platform for device networking and remote monitoring.

For more product information, please visit RIO-2010PG's web page, or email to sales@artila.com.

Solar data in the cloud
After the largest earthquake that hit Japan on March 11. 2011 which destroyed the building and infrastructure of its nuclear power plant, Taiwan’s government decided to make a new energy policy by steadily reduce nuclear energy dependency and create green energy environment. Solar power is the first choice of the green energy since we have excellent sunshine here in Taiwan especially in the south island.

The project of “Million solar roof” encourages people to install solar roof and sell solar power to power plant company. In order to make sure power plant pay the resident with fair fare, a third party company is tasked to build a 24/365 monitoring and recording system to store the solar energy generated. The requirement of the recording system is:
  • Web based monitoring with dynamic data display
  • Retrievable data for offline analysis
  • Secured data storage and networking
Artila’s Matrix acts as an IoT gateway in this project. Matrix frequently query the inverter via Modbus and convert the data to power unit then push this data to cloud. In case of network malfunction, Matrix also functions as a data backup storage to push the data to cloud when the network is back to work. The advantage to use cloud to store the solar energy data is user visually analysis the data anywhere at any time. Data and network security has been take care by professional cloud service provider.

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